Lantana Library Foundation

Give to the Lantana Library Foundation, a 501c3, established to provide private support for the new Library.  The Foundation needs your help. Contributions of all sizes are most welcome!

For more on where and how to give to the Foundation and to get your name placed the Library’s Window of Honor, please read the following:

Members of the Board

Robert Barfknecht — Chairman
Kristine Kreidler — Treasurer
Kristine Kreidler — Secretary

For more information, please contact the Lantana Public Library.  The Foundation Policies follow below.

Acceptance of Contributions and Donations

1. Types of gifts

a. The Foundation will accept gifts of cash and non-cash property.

b. Gifts of non-cash property may include:

life insurance;
real property;
intangible personal property;
business ownership interests;
other property of value.
2. Gifts subject to economic conditions

a. The Foundation may accept gifts subject to economic conditions. These may include:

assumption of donor indebtedness;
joint tenancy arrangements with donors;
provisions for life estates;
other economic stipulations which may obligate the Foundation.
b. The Treasurer will summarize and present to the Board for consideration the terms and conditions of any proposed gifts subject to economic conditions.

c. Generally, the Foundation will accept such gifts if there is a reasonable expectation that periodic cash flow from the properties will exceed any debt service requirements and/or obligations.

d. The Foundation will not enter into agreements which will place a material obligation or a lien upon the Foundation’s general budget revenues.

e. If the gift produces unrelated business income to the Foundation, for Federal income tax purposes, the Board will take any income tax obligation into consideration in assessing the periodic cash flow requirements mentioned in paragraph c above.

3. Restricted gifts

a. The Foundation may accept gifts restricted by donors provided that

the restriction’s nature is consistent with the Foundation’s overall programs;
if the gift is property, the Foundation can use the property in its programs for the restricted purpose.
b. Donor restrictions must be stated in writing. The Foundation will retain such statements in its files.

c. The Treasurer will summarize and present to the Board for consideration the terms and conditions of any proposed gifts subject to substantive restrictions.

Acceptance of Real Estate

1. The Foundation will accept gifts of land or interests in real estate at the Board’s discretion and in accordance with its Bylaws.
2. The Board will request any donor offering a gift of land or interest in real estate to furnish an appraisal containing a description and information respecting
restrictions; improvements; topography; current or delinquent taxes, assessments, etc.
The Board will encourage donors to submit a MAI or SREA appraisal.
3. The Foundation will accept only gifts of land or real estate transferred by warranty deed or its equivalent.
4. The Foundation will encourage donors to offer land or interest in real estate not later than December 1 in the year of the gift.
5. If the Foundation receives an offer of real estate or interests in real estate not readily saleable, the Board will accept the property only if its ownership imposes no financial, management, or other burden on the Foundation. For example:
the Board will not accept vacant buildings and property requiring significant repairs unless immediately saleable;
the Board will accept an undivided fractional interest in real estate or an interest in a partnership owning real estate which is not readily saleable only if the donor makes appropriate provisions to protect the Foundation from any obligation to contribute funds or assume management responsibilities;
the Board will accept only raw land which is wholly or at least in part reasonably marketable;
the Board will accept single family houses, even if the donor retains occupancy rights, provided he or she assumes all related costs;
if a donor imposes any restriction on the immediate sale of donated property, the Board will accept the property only if the donor provides a fund from which to pay all costs of its retention or otherwise satisfies the Board that he or she will make money available for this purpose when required.

Recognition of Donors

1. The Foundation will provide permanent recognition of significant donations, which may be cash, securities, real or personal property, or, in special cases, personal service.

2. The Library Director will accept gifts from the Foundation in accordance with the Lantana Public Library Gifts and Donations Policy. The Board will present proposals for recognition and identification of donors other than those specified in paragraph 6 below to the Library Director who will review these and refer them as appropriate to the Lantana Public Library Advisory Board.

3. The Library Director will approve proposed formats for any plaques, nameplates, inscriptions, or other recognitions with due consideration for the Library Building’s architectural style.

4. The Board will consider individually proposals for the naming of rooms, locations, and other physical facilities and will make recommendations to the Library Director, who will refer them, with his or her recommendations, to the Lantana Public Library Advisory Board.

5. The Board will consider proposals for naming any donated significant collections presented to the Foundation for the Library and will make recommendations for the Library Director’s approval.

6. The Foundation will recognize the following four categories of significant donors by placing their names on the Library’s Window of Honor.

a. The four categories of donors on the Window of Honor will be:

Title Amount of Donation
Library Benefactor $10,000
Donor $5,000
Patron $2,500
Contributor $1,000

b. Donors may qualify for any of the four categories by making a one time contribution, or with the Board’s approval, paying out a gift of a specified amount over a period not to exceed ten years for individuals and five years for corporations.

c. The Treasurer will maintain records of donors’ contributions, and their cumulative total gifts to the Foundation will determine their placement within the four categories.

Allocation of Funds

1. The Board will plan short and long range allocation of funds by the Foundation to the Lantana Public Library with the advice of the Library Director regarding the Library’s needs and priorities.

2. The Foundation will not replace the Town’s responsibility to support its Library by paying part of the Library’s operating budget.

3. The Board will plan the allocation of funds in conjunction with the Library’s Long Range Plan and shorter term “wish lists” presented by the Library Director.

4. The Foundation recognizes the important role of the Friends of the Library and will maintain communication with them to ensure that projects and grants of both bodies are complementary.

5. The Board will establish an endowment to finance future library needs and will place in this endowment 50% of unrestricted gifts.


1. The Board will establish an endowment and will place in it 50% of unrestricted gifts.
Investment of Funds

Investment of Foundation funds will be made by the Treasurer or President only in investment vehicles approved by the Board.

Amendments to Policies Manual

The Board may amend this manual at any regular meeting by a three fifths vote of its voting members provided that the Board has received the proposed amendments in writing not less than ten (10) days prior to consideration.